Real Life Robots – Downtown
Tuesday July 11, 2023 | 4:00 pm-4:30 pm

Join us for a robot demonstration by high school student-led TALON 540. Participants will have the opportunity to see the robot in live action and, depending on attendance numbers, maybe even try it for themselves. Hear how it was made and see what cool things it can do.
TALON 540 started in 2000 as a research project for two students in the Science, Math, and Technology specialty center at Mills E. Godwin High School. Today, TALON 540 consists of over 60 members; however, the same principle of student management still governs the team and not just for building the robots. TALON 540 is a student-run corporation; every aspect from public relations to recruitment and rookie training programs is designed and implemented by team members, with the encouragement and guidance of adult mentors and parents. The goal of these dedicated students is not simply to be successful in competition but also to spread the FIRST ideals to those within and outside the team.