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Magical Fairy Gardens

Thursday May 20, 2021 | 10:00 am-10:45 am


Have you ever wondered if Fairies exist? Participants will get inspired with an engaging Storytime led by a museum educator. Then they will be given natural and recycled materials to make a mini garden and house for the fairies to live in. This activity opens up imaginations big and small!  

Cost: $20 ($18 members) per adult/child pair. $10 ($8 members) for additional siblings. If you are interested in bringing an extra adult, please email education@childrensmuseumofrichmond.org. No refunds.   

For children 3 and up. Masks required.   

Click here to register! 

*Note: This program cost does not include admission into the museum. You must register online separately to play in the museum after the program. 


Chesterfield Location
6629 Lake Harbour Dr.
Midlothian, VA 23112 United States
+ Google Map
(804) 474-7075