Midyear Check-In with Our Cristo Rey Interns
It’s hard to believe we’re already a month into the second semester for our Cristo Rey interns! They have been hard at work at CMoR and it’s been so great getting to know them. We caught up with Ne and Kirsten this week to talk about how their internships are going. Read below to hear…
Published on February 9, 2024

It’s hard to believe we’re already a month into the second semester for our Cristo Rey interns! They have been hard at work at CMoR and it’s been so great getting to know them. We caught up with Ne and Kirsten this week to talk about how their internships are going. Read below to hear from them!

Kirsten has been working as our Art Studio intern! She helps our Art Studio Coordinator, Chloe, with daily programming, prepping materials, and creating sample artwork. “Kirsten is a hard worker that has quickly adapted to the environment and unique challenges of the Children’s Museum,” says Chloe. “She readily assists with our field trip programs and art studio programming by guiding kids through activities. They naturally gravitate towards her!”
What has been your favorite part of working at CMoR so far?
My favorite part of my internship is that I get to experience with art and work on social skills in the process.
What is one thing you’ve learned?
I’ve learned how to speak up and be more confident.
Is there anything you want to accomplish before the end of the year?
I’d like to help create something that will last a long time in the Art Studio!

Ne has been working as our Education intern! She assists with field trips, from prepping materials to helping facilitate educational programs with our Education team. “Ne is pushing herself to try new things and step out of her comfort zone,” says Kim, one of our educators. “She started out by observing, then assisting, and today she’s leading her first ever Museum Manners orientation!”
What has been your favorite part of working at CMoR so far?
My favorite part of my internship is getting to interact with the children who come and visit.
What is one thing you’ve learned?
Is there anything you want to accomplish before the end of the year?
I want to accomplish better communication skills and talk to more people.
We are looking forward to our last few months with these great interns! You can learn more about the Cristo Rey Work Study Program here.