Cooking Together in Spanish
Make delicious cheese bread while practicing Spanish
Published on April 9, 2021

by Ms. Romi – Romina Faccennini
Are you ready to have fun and be hands-on while learning a new language? Kids love to create, participate and be involved in everyday activities. Preparing this recipe together will provide special time together while introducing and practicing Spanish vocabulary. Cooking is a great way to bring a new perspective into learning with connections to math, science, and new language targets. Are you ready to be “cocineros” & “cocineras” and make some delicious “pan de queso” (cheese bread)?
¡¡Manos a la obra!! (Let’s get to work!)
Pan de Queso Recipe
“Los ingredientes” (Ingredients)
1 taza (cup) de harina (flour)
1 taza de queso blanco (sour cream)
1 taza de queso rallado (grated cheese)
Instructions Video
Here is the video for you to follow the recipe. It is simple to make, and delicious to taste!
¡A cocinar! (Let’s cook!)
Songs and Crafts
While you wait for the bread to be cooked, let’s sing a song! (¡A cantar!)
Do you want to create a special apron? I got these at Michaels, and personalized them with their names written with fabric markers. I even let the kids decorate them the day before cooking to add an art activity into the mix.
Now that “el pan de queso” is ready, let’s enjoy! ¡A comer! Let’s eat!
¡Delicioso! (Delicious!)
I hope that your children enjoyed being “cocineritos” (chefs)!!
Extra tip: you can create flash cards of the vocabulary learned by taking pictures of your children cooking 🧑 . Check the vocabulary list below.
Be sure to share your yummy creations with us on Facebook or Instagram.
Vocabulary / el vocabulario – pronunciation
– pan de queso pahn deh keh-soh
– taza tah-sah
– queso blanco keh-soh blahn-koh
– queso rallado keh -soh rrah-yah-doh
– harina ah-ree-nah
– cocinero koh-see-neh-roh
– cocinera koh-see-neh-rah
– delantal deh-lahn-tahl
– mezclar mehs-klahr
– horno ohr-noh
– cocinar koh-see-nahr
– marcador mahr-kah-dohr
– comer koh-mehr
– delicioso deh-lee-syoh-soh
You can also practice being a cook (cocinero/cocinera) in our diner exhibit and leave the clean up to us!