Play at Home Blog Assessment
We would love your feedback on our Play at Home Blog! Thank you to our intern, Kristen Christian for all of the hard work and creativity that went into our Play at Home Blog during her internship.
Published on November 13, 2020

We would love your feedback! Thank you to our intern, Kristen Christian for all of the hard work and creativity that went into our Play at Home Blog during her internship. We look forward to continuing her efforts to provide exceptional educational content for families like yours!

About the Assessment:
My name is Kristen Christian and I am an intern at the Children’s Museum of Richmond – Downtown location through the Johns Hopkins University Museum Studies graduate program. This assessment will be used for my internship class final project. This data will help me determine how to best recommend creating future blog content for the Museum, as well as analyze how blog participants experience blog content. Thank you for your assistance as I work to serve our community through the “Play at Home Blog.”
If interested, please participate in one of the following activities listed below with a child or children under the age of 9. Once you have completed the activity, please fill out a short survey about your experience here:
List of Blog Activities with Links:
Turkey Handprint
Thankful Tree & The Importance of Gratitude
Spooky Games – Learn, Play & Grow:…/spooky…/
Spider Web Fine Motor Skills:…/spider-web…/
Frida Kahlo Inspired Flower Crown:…/frida…/
Día de los Muertos Inspired Sugar Skull Mask:…/dia-de-los…/
Mexican Folk Art Mirrors:…/mexican…/
Fall is Fun!:…/fall-is-fun/
If you are considering completing the activity and survey, please do so before 11/20 (Friday). Thank you for your assistance!