Frida Kahlo Inspired Flower Crown
Continue to celebrate Hispanic Heritage Month with our intern, Kristen Christian, by learning about Frida Kahlo, a famous Mexican artist, and create a flower crown inspired by her work.
Published on October 8, 2020

Frida Kahlo Facts

- Frida was born in 1907 in Mexico City, Mexico.
- She was a Mexican painter and was most well-known for her use of bright colors and self-portraits.
- The flowers in her flower crown represent the natural beauty of Mexico and her deep appreciation for bringing nature to life.
- Coffee filters
- Water (spray bottle optional)
- Washable markers
- Scissors
- Hot glue gun and sticks (*Ask an adult to work with you!*)
- Headband
- Green construction paper (optional)
Step 1: Separate each coffee filter and flatten them out on a smooth surface. Place a piece of paper under your coffee filter and color each filter with different colors, patterns, and designs.
Step 2: Take your decorated filters outside and lay them in the grass. Using a spray bottle or just a cup of water, pour water over each coffee filter until the colors blend together. Leave outside to dry.
Step 3: Once the filters are dry, crinkle up each one making them wrinkly, then lay them flat. Find the center of the coffee filter with your pointer finger and place the other hand under the filter. Push your pointer finger down and pinch underneath, gathering the filter from the bottom. Repeat for each filter.
Step 4: With the help of an adult, use the glue gun to glue your coffee filter flowers onto your headband. You can also add leaves with green construction paper (optional).
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