Why not?
Have you started to think about your child's college education? Why not start today!
Published on April 29, 2020

I don’t know about you, but during each day of the COVID-19 pandemic, it’s been incredibly important for me to utilize each and every moment for the immediate needs of the day or maybe for the next day. It’s been hard to look to the future because there’s so much that is unknown –
- When will restrictions be lifted?
- When will school begin?
- When will toilet paper be available?
- Which mask is best for what we need?
- When will I be able to hug my parents?
- Will I be able to drive to see them this summer?
- Who’s the progress on a vaccine?
- What will a new “normal” look like?
Really this list can keep going, and I’m sure you also have a million things on your own list!

But, really, in this moment the most important thing that we can do for the future is to be present and planning for our children. (To note, this is NOT to invoke stress on parents as to what they are or aren’t doing – most of us don’t feel adequately prepared to be our children’s teacher and worry every day if what lessons we’re providing or helping our children access are enough. We’re all doing our best under some very challenging circumstances over which we have no control.)
Here’s what I do know
My oldest daughter is 11; the youngest just turned 8 (we had a beautiful birthday cake with candles celebrating with loved ones via Zoom in Virginia, West Virginia, Kentucky, Michigan, and Utah – really, what a treat!). In six years, when my oldest graduates from high school, the world will be returned to its new normal and she’ll be ready to graduate from high school.
I, as well as every parent on this planet, want what is best for my children. I want to be prepared. I want to be able to provide. Hence, Virginia529.

With a savings account at Virginia 529, I put some money away each month for my daughters to use in the future for higher education. Every month, I also make a donation to the Children’s Museum because it’s important to me. So, what if there’s a way to potentially do both? Imagine the opportunity right NOW to invest $50 into a raffle ticket that makes it possible to win a $50,000 Invest529 account with Virginia 529.
What’s even better? That $50 also supports the Children’s Museum – an organization that’s given incredible experiences to hundreds of thousands of children over nearly 40 years to learn through play. At the Children’s Museum, they’ve learned to play, to experience, to grow, to dream. I can attest to that first-hand, and I bet that you can, too.
Today’s the day to invest in the future of your loved one and loved ones throughout Central Virginia. Why not take a chance?
-Danielle Ripperton, President & CEO of the Children’s Museum